Emergency & Evacuation Procedure
I will have to hand phone numbers for the children’s parents/guardians; Children’s GP; my GP; NHS helpline and emergency back-up persons.
In my home I have access to a telephone in three rooms, when not at home I have a mobile with me at all times.
A fire blanket is situated in the kitchen. Smoke alarms are fitted in hall (upstairs and downstairs) and are checked regularly.
Children will be shown smoke alarms and what they sound like. I will practice my fire drill with the children (without scaring them). I will help children to learn safety awareness through discussion and planned activities.
In an emergency situation I can contact a nearby registered childminder or my husband to look after other minded children should I need to accompany an injured child in an ambulance. This is the only situation that would lead me to leaving your child with any other person. At all other times, minded children are within my sight or hearing unless parents/guardians have given written permission for their child to walk to and from my home unaccompanied.
In the event of a fire there are two ways to exit the house:
A. Front door leading to front garden
B. Back door leading to back garden
I would take the children to the far corner of the secure garden and contact the fire service by calling 999. I would telephone all the parents as soon as this has been done.
Download the Emergency & Evacuation Procedure: Emergency-and-evacuation-procedure.docx